Please share your prayer requests below, we will be praying for you!


Hi, please pray for Everton as he is not feeling well. Please pray that he will be healed. At times he experience testicular discomfort. Pray for his healing. Also pray that God will heal his eyes and for his vision restoration from his vision issues. At times he feels weak, pray for his strength and that he will be miraculously healed from every sickness. Pray also that God would bless his finance and provide for him. Also pray for my sister Jean, that she would receive the funds from Jeffrey that is due to her for the work injuries she sustain a few years ago. Pray also that God would take control of some neighbors that are very hateful of us. Pray that God would step in and deliver us because we are very stressed because of them. Continue to pray for us and may God richly bless you and your ministry.

Received: April 11, 2024

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Hi, please pray for Everton as he is not feeling well. Please pray that he will be healed. At times he experience testicular discomfort. Pray for his healing. Also pray that God will heal his eyes and for his vision restoration from his vision issues. At times he feels weak, pray for his strength and that he will be miraculously healed from every sickness. Pray also that God would bless his finance and provide for him. Also pray for my sister Jean, that she would receive the funds from Jeffrey that is due to her for the work injuries she sustain a few years ago. Pray also that God would take control of some neighbors that are very hateful of us. Pray that God would step in and deliver us because we are very stressed because of them. Continue to pray for us and may God richly bless you and your ministry.

Received: April 11, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine