Please share your prayer requests below, we will be praying for you!


I need prayer about a new job I will be starting on Monday. It's a job I don't really want, but the employer I worked for merged his business with this person who will now be my new employer. I need to be employed to survive, but this doesn't feel like a good fit for me at all. I also know feelings can be fickle. I have several health issues that limit me somewhat, so that is a big concern for me as this new employer has a lot of "irons in the fire." I guess what I'm asking for is peace with my decision to move forward with this new employer OR that God will SLAM this door shut somehow. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying.

Received: February 24, 2024

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I need prayer about a new job I will be starting on Monday. It's a job I don't really want, but the employer I worked for merged his business with this person who will now be my new employer. I need to be employed to survive, but this doesn't feel like a good fit for me at all. I also know feelings can be fickle. I have several health issues that limit me somewhat, so that is a big concern for me as this new employer has a lot of "irons in the fire." I guess what I'm asking for is peace with my decision to move forward with this new employer OR that God will SLAM this door shut somehow. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying.

Received: February 24, 2024

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