You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Helen Dunn
Thank you for praying for inmates in CTCF for their court dates last month .
Jason R. an inmate has cancer . Preston inmate clarity on ministry God has for him.
Me- Trust, Faith, Contentment I will be moving next Spring
Thanks for praying
Received: October 18, 2021
I am having some health issues and it has been hard to get in to see a doctor. Also my friends Carl and Glen have been struggling with health issues as well.
Received: October 13, 2021
PLEASE pray for my relationship with my friend Eric and we reconcile and have a good meeting on 10/11
Received: October 8, 2021
Helen Dunn
The inmates always need our prayer, Kenneth and Scott had their court dates.
Shannon: prayer not sure issues.
we can pray her Spiritually,
physically emotionally,
Davis: prostrate cancer
Trevor: passing mother n law &
Stanley: court date Sept.
Hatcher: salvation
Received: September 16, 2021
I would like to pray for my friend Silvia. she's trying to have a baby through a clinic she's already had one but she wants another. She is pregnant but if something goes wrong I would like to pray for healing for her and her family. She is a devout Christian.
Received: September 13, 2021
Daniel Cahill
Hi all my wonderfull brothers and sister at KTLF!To all those who said a prayer for 9/11 in NYC thank you GOD answered your prayers the Spirit of the LORD was here in great power all weekend giving people strength comfort and hope!Please say a prayer for me this week i need it bad!GOD bless you brother Danny 9/13/21
Received: September 13, 2021
Please pray my husband doesn't have a brain tumor. Please pray for negative medical test results for me. Please pray for healing for us.
Received: September 10, 2021
Melodie Cooper
I ask for prayer for the Lord to provide my mom and I a house or duplex. We have been moving a lot for years and been homeless twice and we would like to settle in a place without having to worry about moving again.
Received: September 9, 2021
Praying for restoration of Gods unspeakable joy upon Kelseys heart and soul. Praying for new/ renewed friendships and for her to be attracted to and blessed by God to meet a like minded Christian young adult male who loves the Lord and will grow a friendship, loving relationship, future marriage and children. Thank you in advance Lord for bringing the right Godly man into her life and this relationship will bring glory and honor to your name.
Received: September 5, 2021
Kenneth needs prayer for parole in Sept around 15/16. Also for reconciliation with Wife & Children.