You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I need this Church to please pray that I get my Mini DV Tapes collection that were stolen since January. They're too sentimental with Church and family memories for me to stop praying about this.
Received: June 4, 2022
Pray for me the caseworker she called 65 places for a group home or a donor there is no available openings there is no available beds please pray that something will come up in September I live in the mental emotional aggressively abusive group home please pray I don't lose my house let me stay to something opens up the supervisor is mentally emotionally aggressively abusive behavior wise she threatens the residence please pray that I spend more time with my aunt in New Haven that you will take me out more often that I go to her house and do more overnights more often that we can spend time together please pray my other aunt lives in Florida please pray that she will come from Florida and we could be together as a family again this summer please pray that my family will fight and stick up for me that my family would get me out of that abusive group home and work with my caseworker that my family believes everything that I'm going through they're beautiful that my family will support me and be there please find my caseworker will find a place for me by September that they will call her and that they will have available bed opening that I get accepted and approved for available open bed please pray for my pets but they stay in good health people are very cool to God's creatures please and watch over them and keep them safe please pray that God will forgive me my sins like God will have mercy on me that God will wash my sins away that I become born again that I can be the best at peace with God that God will save my soul from all my sins that I've been born again I'm very spiritual for when I sin I feel guilty against God and it troubles me that God will take away all my sins that God will help and support me with the trouble I'm going through that God will be there in my prayers to get me out of you so group home
Received: May 31, 2022
Pray a home loan, right home for our family. What's impossible with man is possible with God. Stand in Agreement.
Received: May 30, 2022
Nadea M. And her mom, and A.B. the lady who rented out R.Gallery, and the haitian psychic, and Lynne J., spoke curses over my kids and over me and my family, pray all curses they spoke over my family and over my kids, and over my spouse, and over me, and loved ones, ARE IMMEDIATELY broken permanently, by the Blood of Jesus, I cover us in the Blood of Jesus, and His Blood crushes every curse and stomps them all out, Jesus makes them void and powerless, He turns them to dust and Hedges us in under the Shadow of His Wings, in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen.
Received: May 29, 2022
Please pray for financial blessings, healing, restoration, protection and prosperity for me. (2) Please pray for a hedge of protection and covering for me from negative people at work,home,neighborhood etc.(3) And pray for peace and harmony between my roommate and me.
Received: May 22, 2022
Please pray for healing for my husband and me. Please pray for diagnoses that are not serious. We won't know for a couple of months. I am very worried
Received: May 16, 2022
Salvation for my brother his wife who live in Oregon
My Father & stepmom who are Mormon. That they would come to know the true Jesus of the Bible
Continued direction for my wife & I in our business & ministry
Received: May 14, 2022
Healing in my body, direction, clarity, rest, stress relief, my kids and my kids’ dad to see how he hurts the kids when he doesn’t pay attention and doesn’t care about seeing them
Received: May 11, 2022
Please pray that I, Jessica from Oklahoma am a part of the chosen elect and will eternally be a child of GOD and that I will hate my idols and be ashamed and humble myself before him and and my children
Received: May 7, 2022
My medical bills are in the tens of thousands and I can’t pay them. I beg and plead for prayer for Healing, Deliverance, Justice & Protection. Chances are I may not survive so I ask for prayer for multiple miracles.