Please share your prayer requests below, we will be praying for you!

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Please pray that I will forgive me my sins I'm falling into the sinful world I can make the sins and makes you feel a good conscience makes me very uncomfortable The God will save my soul and that's my soul of peace and rest that I give you rest with God knowing my heads from hes and and fugitive forgiven I don't lose my salvation cuz of my sins please go with heal me for my sins I'm my sins all forgiven and I'm saying that I'm a child of God The rapture is coming the last days of coming please pray God will be with God and be rational and to heaven that God will save myself I'm struggling from the sin please pray that God will help me turn away from this sin help me be strong and I can get closer to God again than have faith and God we hand someone my prayers that God will hear me and hear me spiritually please pray for my sins to be forgiven please pray for me I suffer from severe pains in my legs I can't barely walk I have so much pain I can't barely walk please pray that God will heal me from all my pain and I'm suffering from in my body that's always heal me from my pain then I'll suffer from any more pain I'm 50 years old and I'm suffering from severe or Fridays in my knees and legs I can't barely move I have leg syndrome I suffer from that please pray to God will heal me physically mentally and spiritually please pray that God would touch my Aunt Donna heart we are not talking or texting or keep in touch she is holding the garage from the past she's not letting go from the past please pray that we get to have a closer relationship again like we did in the past I will please pray that we could be a family again that I could come over the house more that I could do overnight again that you will give me a chance but that she will stop holding us and move on and let the pass go she's holding back garage man and not move on and let it go from the past I keep going asking can I do an overnight attacks she don't know you can not with any for you to do overnights she's holding so much angry towards me she's not forgiven me she is holding angrish and not moving on we don't keep in touch by phone or text each other I text her and try to keep in touch with her she ignores me she pays no attention to me anymore my aunt's please pray I don't lose my aunt as my conservator she lives in Florida please wait she will fight for me and stick up for me and fight my battles in time trouble that she would always be there for me that I don't lose my relationship with her that we stay in family and she will always be my conservator when the time of trouble then I'm going to the time of trouble please she will be there for me and speak up for me and fight for me that I'm weak and I can't fight for myself she was fight for me anytime is trouble that she will speak out for me please pray for my pets I have pets in the house people want to kill the palm and poison them they are God's creatures I worry so much about them getting caught that they will hurt them and kill them please pray for their safety their health and they are very lovable people want to kill them harm them and poison them that bothers me cuz they're God's creatures is a purpose why God put them on still on my pet mice that I have in the house I love them they're great pets I feed them and nurture them please pray that they don't get hurt harm or being dangerous with people in the home but go watch over and protect them for being in dangerous please where I don't lose my house and anytime I don't lose my income state income for me anytime I don't lose my conservator from anytime please pray for my sister Amanda please bring a God would save her soul rest her soul deep that she becomes a child of God that God will keep her safe when she's driving cuz she's been in accidents please pray that God will protect her at all times and keep her safe from harm and violence that God will keep me safe from harm and violence and my Aunt Janice from Florida safe from harm and violence around us that God limited as soon as waking us up this world that my Aunt Janice and my sister Amanda become safe they become a child of God the God will save this so a blessing them like over here on my prayers and cry our fan that I could be closer to God and turn away from my sins and I'm troubled for my sins I've been falling into this world of sin and I am not praying on not that close to God I used to be please pray like you get a closer relationship with God again and God will heal my prayers and Christ and be there for me in time of trouble and we're texting me in the time of trouble that I become saved born again Christian that I don't lose my salvation cuz of my sins the rapture is beginning to happen soon please pray that I be reaction and be with heaven with God be a peace and heaven with God I'm afraid to lose the rapture I'm afraid to miss the rapture because of my sins I worry cuz I know I sin and I feel the guilt conscience I keep listening over and over again it bothers me I don't understand why I keep on sitting over and over again cuz I'm in this sinful world I'm in the sinful flesh and body please pray that I will be at peace with God no one my sins are forgiven that I don't have to struggle from this sense anymore amen

Received: August 17, 2023

Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA

God's Help, Healing, and Salvation for Me / Many / All:

Please pray for the Lord’s wonderful presence, truth / light, freedom / liberty, righteousness/justice, hope, love, grace, mercy, help, rescue and deliverance, complete healing (even His natural & supernatural / miraculous quick physical healing and pain / anxiety relief), full-household salvation, peace, comfort, provision, safety and protection, and all that’s good from God above for:

USA, Israel and Jerusalem, Canada, Mexico, all the Lord’s churches/ministries/groups/gatherings/denominations (local and world-wide), all the Lord’s people (THE BODY/CHURCH OF CHRIST), me (Sean) & all my family/relatives/loved ones, for all I’ve prayed for, and for all of mankind and the nations/kingdoms/governments on earth as the Lord wills.

Please pray that the Lord would forgive us, deliver us all from all evil and the Evil One, grant to us ALL OUR PRAYERS according to His will, and grant us entrance into His Heavenly Kingdom forever. Amen, thank you.

Received: August 17, 2023


I pray Ashley gets the attendance liaison job and I pray Sarsh gets the edible garden assistant job, in Jesus Name, I also pray Ashley gets the apartment in a really good happy neighborhood that is very affordable, no weapon formed against them shall prosper, in Jesus MIGHTY Name, Amen and HALLELUJAH.

Received: August 16, 2023


My name is Dawn I feel guilty and ashamed cuz of my sins I'm a born again Christian and I believe in God I have a very good conscience I keep on committing over and over again it bothers me I know God forgives me but it's hard to keep on committing the same sins how many times can God forgive me how many times I tried to turn away from sin sin is very tempted I fall into the wickedness of this world I commit sin it bothers me it ruins my relationship with God and I'm trying to be a born again Christian I'm trying to be a good question to turn away from sin but I am struggling for me sins the thing is anger regiment judgment I have other sins that I am suffering from resentments is another sin I am suffering from so many sins I was close to God once and I used to watch YouTube you used to watch the Christian channel now I fallen back into this world of sin please pray that God will forgive me my sins and lift me back up and I can be closer to God again I could be a good Christian again I could do the world of God the judgment Day is coming I don't want to lose my salvation I want to be raptured into heaven I don't want to miss the rapture when God's people go off to heaven I want to be at peace and rest with God but I am struggling with these sins cuz I'm falling into this wickedness of this world I'm falling into this world of the flesh it bothers me I want to be with God in heaven but I keep on falling into this world of sin and I'm praying for God to forgive my past present in future I know I'm a sinner I believe son Jesus living son of God I believe in him I tried to be a good Christian I tried to turn away from my sins but I am struggling so bad for the same since over and over again I keep on asking for forgiveness for the same sins over and over again it really bothers me how many times can God forgive me I'm afraid to face the judgment of the last days I'm afraid not to be raptured I'm afraid to go to hell I'm afraid to go down into the pencil fire and the judgment Day I hope God understands I know he understands that I'm a sinner and I know in my heart I just wanted to be at rest in peace with God knowing my sins are forgiven that God will help me be strong to turn away from these sins that God will help me be strong to get me away from this wickedness of this world become closer to God be more in prayer with God this world is drawing me into sin and I don't like him I'm hanging around with the wrong people I'm hanging around with the wrong crowd and that's drawing me into sin that's hurting my relationship with God and I got to turn away from those sinful people and I'm around and I am struggling so bad with sin I want to be close to God again I want to be a born again Christian I don't want to lose my salvation I'm afraid of losing my salvation the raps you can happen anytime now I'm afraid I'll be left behind I have a lot of fear in me that I'll be left behind from the rapture I have a lot of fear in me that I'm going to hell because I keep on committing the same sins over and over again it fears me spiritually I'm in fear and I'm worried spiritually I'm in fear of spiritually what's going to happen to me if I don't turn away from these sins I'm asking God for mercy and forgiveness and for understanding I have a lot of agreements anger judgment I have a lot of anger in me issues cursing swearing and I do other things with my anger it bothers me very much and I know it's not me spiritually I know it's the flesh of the body and it bothers me I want to turn away from this sinful flesh of the body be closer to God be a born again Christian and my soul could be saved in my soul could rest up peace with God knowing I'm saved no one I'm not rest in peace with God even when I'm alive I'll be arrested in peace with God knowing that I'm saved that God healed me spiritually from all my sins that God would save my soul and have my soul rest at peace even when I'm alive that I'll be close to God again please pray for me Dawn ️

Received: August 12, 2023

A. & C.

Please pray A. and C. have a very uneventful, yet very fun, smooth, peaceful, joyful, Holy Spirit filled trip, in Jesus Name, no weapon formed against them shall prosper, no harm shall befall them, no disaster shall come near them, in Jesus Name, let them enjoy each others company and be kind and patient with each other, deliver them from anger and every evil, grant them travel mercies, great health and protection, I cancel all plans of the enemy against them and cancel all plan of the enemy against me and my family, and our loved ones, Lord rebuke, remove, cast away, and block all anxiety, anger, rejection, lies, fear and worry, and every evil away from A. & C. and away from all of us, now and forever, in Jesus MIGHTY Name, Amen and HALLELUJAH. Get behind them, and us, satan in Jesus Name!!!

Received: August 12, 2023


Please pray for my wife. She is going through some fairly major physical pain right now in her life. She has struggled with pain throughout her body for quite a while. However, it has gotten incredibly worse lately. She suffers from neuropathy and fibromyalgia and recently started some new medications to help relieve some of the pain. She also struggles from headaches. I would appreciate your prayers for my wife. I love her and don't like seeing her go through so much pain.

Received: August 11, 2023

This prayer has been answered!


Please pray for my 10 month old granddaughter who has asthma & my 3 year old grandson who both have a stomach virus for healing and also for my daughter their mother who is really exhausted from their care and working full time (her husband is in the navy and rarely available) pray for energy and also that GOD would protect her job, she just started a new job that the family desperately needs to help sustain them. She is in Virginia & I her mother am in Colorado so I am unable to help her at this time. In Jesus holy name!

Thank you

Received: August 10, 2023


Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook:

1. Give all of us the kingdom of God and God's righteousness that you promised and make it happen.

2. Let the Son of God fulfill the Father God's will to us to the end, and let us see this and appreciate it when all our bodies are alive.

3. Do not allow us to do what we want or seek, but do for us what the Son of God wants to do, and only let it go well.

4. Lord Jesus, please send forth plenty of workers for the harvest that you talked about(Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭39‬) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.

Received: August 10, 2023


I am asking for prayer for a number of stressful things in my life. First of all, I am having a few health issues that I am addressed, but I'm praying for healing. I'm dealing with a difficult neighbor. Though I have confronted him on the "barking dog" issue, he isn't interesting in helping to deal with this issue. It interfered with my ability to sleep and get rested at night. I have family members and friends where I am dealing with difficult and anger issues. I love my family and friends, but it has gotten to the point where it's more than I can handle. I need peace of mind, the ability to move forward with the Lord's help. I don't want to live a stressful life. And I want peace with important people in my life. Would you please pray that God brings me a peaceful heart and mind, wisdom to know how to handle some of these difficult issues, and love for people who are difficult to love?

Received: August 7, 2023


I pray Ashley gets her period now and is healed in every way, in Jesus Name Amen.

Received: August 6, 2023

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