5 Prayers of Praise

Father, you are Holy, Holy, Holy.  From age to age, from eternity to eternity, there is no shadow of change in you.  There is no sin in you.  You are Holy, Holy, Holy.

Father, all your ways are righteous; you are always faithful in accordance your holiness and your covenant promises.

Father, you are the almighty, the maker of heaven and earth.  You created all things; you sustain all things.  In you all things live and move and have their being.  You are life and the source of life; you are truth and the source of truth; you are everywhere in time and space fully and you are person.  All creation is your glory, and you wrap yourself with creation as with a garment.  

Lord, your justice and your wrath are holy, holy, holy and righteous.  No one can stand in your judgment or offer an excuse.

Father, I praise you for your mercy and your grace.  Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail, they are new each morning, great is your faithfulness.